From Mailbox to Half Marathon: My Running Journey and Fitness Goals

In the spring of 2022, I completed the 75 Hard challenge (if you are not familiar with the 75 Hard challenge). I got creative with outdoor exercises, from using a squat rack to dragging a lawnmower for backward pulls. On my “recovery days” I would take the dog for a longer than usual walk.

My entry into running was by chance. While walking the dog through my neighborhood, I noticed mailboxes spaced about 100-200 yards apart. I started running from one to the next, gradually increasing my distance over three weeks. Small steps led to significant progress, eventually culminating in running a half marathon.

Setting clear fitness goals was crucial. Unlike my younger days of lifting heavy with inconsistent results, I now focus on sustainable goals. These include maintaining mobility, keeping up with my kids in sports, and living medication-free.

Consistency became my daily mantra. Whether walking the dog or doing simple exercises, daily movement countered the toll of my sedentary job.

Diet played a pivotal role, especially for a self-confessed chip and ice cream enthusiast. Adopting a carnivore diet, where I limited myself to foods from land, sky, or sea, provided focus and control. This approach allowed me to enjoy treats in moderation, fostering a newfound self-control that had eluded me before.

While carnivore worked for me, the key is finding a diet that suits individual preferences and goals. Whether it’s intermittent fasting, low carb, or Weight Watchers, the journey is personal, and I found what worked for me.


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