Back To Basic

Back to basics

The mantra you’ll often hear from me is simple: find what works for you. This week presented its challenges. Embracing an expanded role at work meant more time in meetings, making it tougher to carve out workout time. Exploring different workouts added to the mix. Additionally, inspired by my brother’s success with intermittent fasting, I decided to give it another shot.

While intermittent fasting has worked wonders for my brother, it’s not my fit. Despite multiple attempts in the past, it simply doesn’t align with my body’s rhythm. It might just be a perception, but it feels like my metabolism takes an unscheduled break.

These recent changes led to a lapse in consistency, and I found myself regaining some of the weight I had worked hard to shed. It’s a reminder that I know what works for me:

  • Running
  • Weight training
  • Squats
  • Push-ups
  • Deadlifts
  • Eating meat-based small meals every couple of hours

This week is all about returning to basics, back to what I know works for my body. Sometimes, amidst the influx of trends and advice, the key is to embrace what has proven effective in the past.


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