Author: Zachof_Admin

  • Back To Basic

    Back to basics The mantra you’ll often hear from me is simple: find what works for you. This week presented its challenges. Embracing an expanded role at work meant more time in meetings, making it tougher to carve out workout time. Exploring different workouts added to the mix. Additionally, inspired by my brother’s success with…

  • From Mailbox to Half Marathon: My Running Journey and Fitness Goals

    In the spring of 2022, I completed the 75 Hard challenge (if you are not familiar with the 75 Hard challenge). I got creative with outdoor exercises, from using a squat rack to dragging a lawnmower for backward pulls. On my “recovery days” I would take the dog for a longer than usual walk. My…

  • About Me

    Zach of All Trades BY UNCATEGORIZED  I’m Zach, a 40-year-old dad, a jack of all trades, and a wearer of many hats. As I navigate the whirlwind of parenting, work, and the occasional home repair crisis, one thing has always taken a back seat: my own health and fitness. Life has a way of throwing curveballs,…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!